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Velkommen til Oslo Kristelige Tabernaklet, vi er en kristen menigheten som holder til i Oslo sentrum ved Grønland. Vi har møte hver søndag fra 14:30 - 17:15. Du er hjertelig velkommen til å delta på våre møter, der vi priser vår herre Jesus Krist


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Beloved precious brothers and sisters in Christ. I greet you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ our Lord and saviour. Last week we started a new teaching on which we are continuing with the same this Sunday and if the Lord grant us his grace next week too, the theme is. HOW TO KEEP THE FAITH IN THIS PERVESE AND CROOCKED GENERATION. The principle reading for today is in Romans 3 vs 1 - 5 Which speaks on, if the world does not believe Gods, does it make God a liar? If the world does not live righteous, does it make God unrighteous. With scripture enlightenment and leadership of the Holy Ghost, we shall learn and understand. How God through his Word has called out his children from the slavery of sin, into into freedom to live in righteousness. To be the light of the world in a dark and perverse world, as the painful ambassadors of his kingdom here on earth. We thank God as for the past weeks we have the visit two weeks back we had the visit of Br. Ernest who blessed us with the word of God. You are all invited to the table of the Lord to receive the Spiritual food of the hour Be blessed!


The ANTICHRIST Dear brethren in Christ Jesus, in light of the present events taking place and that are soon to take place. In line with the spiritual enlightenment, today we are beginning to teach about the topic of the ANTICHRIST. This is such a delicate topic which we take with fear, not to cause a state of panic; rather a state of awareness through spiritual sensitivity knowing the time we are living in, what is the purpose for the church of the living God and how to well prepare ourselves because time is truely at end. Given the developments around the world and more especially in the European Union, today the results of the European elections which were conducted last week, have been poled in. Despite dissatisfactions for the Euro and European Union, the popularity of this Union is greatly increasing, and more specially amongst the younger generation; and these are the ones to soon take the steering position in a few years. Looking at the etat present of the state of Israel, more and more countries are now moving their embassies from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Given all these events taking place and soon to happen, its in the interest of every believer to know and understanding the implications this has to us, as travellers and passengers here on earth. In the theme “the antichrist”, we take the best approach possible, not through theological interpretations; but through searching of the scriptures and by the revelation of the word of God given in our time, we are able to place each scriptures correctly to our present time. To better understand the origin of the Antichrist, we go back to the beginning. The book of Genesis, understanding the fall of Lucifer, the angel of light. Who had fall from heaven because of his rebellion against God. We study the book of Daniel and Revelation among other scriptures. From today and the next coming weeks if the Lord God wills. Brothers and Sisters, we are glad to invite you to the table of God, as we receive the spiritual manna of our time.


Shalom Brethren's in Christ! Today we continue with our theme Balance and Stability in a Christian Life. Specifically today we touch the subtopic of Prayer and Fasting. Why this is a neccecity for every believer, and Jesus Christ recommendation that everyone should pray. Prayer open doors, prayers change things. We also speak about other demons that come out only by Prayer and Fasting. Come all as we go deep with the help of the Holy Ghost in descovering scriptural revelation and encouragement. Stay blessed!


Balance and Stability in a Christian Life Dear brothers and sisters, today we start the teaching which we are going to spend a good time on. Because is a teaching which is going to touch various sectors and domains of our Christian faith. As the theme itself is giving a leading indication. Namely, we are going to talk about the importance of balance and stability in a Christian life and the place of God. Because we save a God who is perfect and has therefore called his children to perfection, that is in all domains of our lives. Certainly not partially as main perceive. However, it is sadly enough to observe that. In the body of Christ that we have many believers who are partially living the life God has destined for them, and many will never ever attain a full level of their benedictions. Namely because many are stuck in dogmas, religious activities and rituals or certain doctrines which are saving to their detriment. This is the reason why based on the demand some believers, we have found it worthwhile to address this topic. Such that in this teaching will cover topics within the following domains - Balance in Family and Marriage - The importance of Prayer in a believers life - Balance in the giving of our Tithe and Offering - Balance in our Day to Day life (This is related to the type of Music we listen to, what type of Books we read, Movies we can watch, Social Exposure and Influence) - Balance in our Studies and Education - Balance in our Work life - Balance in our Finances - Balance in how we dress ( This is related to Fashion in the time we are living in regards to biblical requirement of how we should dress) We aspire and pray that by the guidance of the Holy Ghost, the Lord will help us through various scriptural guidance identify and understand how to apply the scriptures and the word of God in our lives. Such that we may obtain balance in our lives according to God perfect plan and wish. The principle scripture we shall be looking at is: Ephesians 6 vs 1 - 18 - The bible starts first by speaking to Children - The second, the bible speaks to Father or Parents. How they should not have double standards, say something else and do something else - The Bible speaks to Servant, that they should respect their masters - Forth, the bible speaks to Masters. That they should also remember that they have a master in heaven

08/03/2019 Check out the recent video on youtube


Shalom Brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus! We give thanks and glory to the Almighty God for the wonderful baptism service we had on Thursday. The Lord by his grace has added to more sisters to the kingdom of God. Sister Isabella and Myriam were baptised in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. In all this we give glory to the Almighty God. We would also like to invite you to our Sunday service today. As we continue with our theme: The Permissible and Perfect will of God. God willing we will be closing the topic such that we can start on a new teaching next week, by God grace. God bless you and see you there!


Kjære brødene og søstrene i Kristus. Dette er til orientering om at, vi skal ha dåp av våre to søster, ved Maran Ata kirken i Oslo. klokkeslett: 17:30 Dato: 28 Feb 2019 Adresse: Møllergata 28, 0179 Oslo Dear brothers and sisters, this is to information that. God willing this Thursday we are going to have the baptism service of our beloved sisters who have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal saviour. The baptism service will take place at Maran Ata church in Oslo Time: 17:30 Date: Thursday 28 Feb 2019 Address: Møllergata 28, 0179 Oslo Come many, as we celebrate this joyous moment!


Up until last week, we have been dealing with the facts relating to the Gods permissible will. Looking at various examples in the bible, starting with Adam and Eva falling into sin, after Eva was beguiled by the serpent, the devil. Abram and Sarai being mislead to take Hagar as Abrams wife, thus producing a son not according to Gods will. Further on, we spoke of Israel whom had rejected God as their King and accepted as man king, Saul. We also looked at Israel in the wilderness which was a stiff-necked people whom God had let wonder about the same mountain for 40 years due to their unbelief. Last week we spoke a little bit about Samson. A mighty man, a judge chosen by God from birth to protect and defend the nation of Israel from the hands of the philistines, given clear instructions by God never to let a razor be used on his hair, fall in the hands on his mistress Delilah, an unbeliever, the enemy. Shared the secret with her, after this was known to her. She cut-off his dreads and the spirit of God left Samson, whom became blind and weak like every other man, a very tragic thing. All these examples are facts the bible is teaching us, example by which the word of God is encouraging us not to fall into the same traps as those whom have long and before preceded us. We observe that, it was after they had fallen outside Gods word, outside Gods promises that God could longer walk and work with them. Thus, the outcome was misery and suffering. Surely in these conditions, God can never be accounted for their sufferings and pain because this is the result of the act of unbelief against Gods word. The sames does apply to us in our time as well, most people are dying, not because their isn`t enough medicine, or not enough information about how to contract certain diseases, how live a good life etc. This is simply because most people have ignored and chosen to do things their own way. With this said, today we take a step further by looking at the antidote against unbelief. In essence the way back to Gods perfect will. The way back and how to live a life according to the destiny which God himself has laid and traced for us. As God spoke through Jeremiah the prophet to the nation of Israel that; he has good plans for his people, plans of peace, plans to prosper them, plans to give them an expected end. Not an uncertain end, an end already predestined. Hence, we are going to look at various scriptures today starting from the book of Proverbs 1 which speaks about the fear of God, which is the source of wisdom and knowledge. Because the Fear of God leads to; the knowledge and know-how(Wisdom) to practice Gods word is Key for a successful Christian life. Came and join us as we get blessed by this precious word of God, enriching our lives as God prepares us for that great day of rendezvous, The Rapture. May the peace of God be with you, Br. Joshua Mukanya


Dear Bretherens in Christ! We cordially invite you to our Sunday Service today. Upon which we continue with our Theme: The Permissible and Perfect Will of God. We take a step forward, looking at various scriptures showing us, the consequences that those who have preceded us faced; once they left the presence of God and therefore felt into the permissible will of God. We will take a look at Samson, a mighty Judge of Israel, chosen by God from birth to defend the people of God. However, once this mighty man become full of himself, and started following his own ways, and violated the divine instructions of God found himself blind and enslaved by the enemy for which he was sent to fight. This is among many scriptures will be looking at. See you at the pointed time and location. Shalom Br. Joshua Mukanya


Dear brethrens in Christ Jesus Today we continue with the message we started last week, regarding Gods Permissible and Perfect will. We build on the introduction laid last week, that after the fall of man in the Garden of Eden. Iniquity had entered into man. Hence since then man has been struggling between Free Will and Divinity. That is the battle between the Fresh and pleasing God. Put in plain terms, dying from the lusts of the fresh which lead to sin. Thus the permissible will of God. Today we continue to look at, how the devil all way from Cain and his seed have been fighting Gods perfect will and plan. We look at Noah, how sin again filled the earth and God destroyed the earth by the Deluge, the same with Sodom and Gomorrah. All this with the intention of shading more light on, why the denial to submit to the will of God has led man into the permissible will of God. Just like Sarah failed to wait and submit to the will of God, led to the birth of Ishamael. Something which the world is still suffering from up to this day. Why when Israel asked for a human king, automatically rejected God as their king to reign over them. Come one, come all to give praise and hear from the fresh manna of the hour. Stay blessed!


Dear brothers and sister, today we will start looking on the theme of The Permissible and Perfect will of God This is an important topic as it spans all the way from the beginning, in the book of Genesis. As we observe that when God created man he had a perfect plan for humanity. Just like he affirms to Israel through his servant Jeremiah, that I have good plans for you. However, these good plans for humanity found no favour with everyone. And when the devil rebelled against God and was cast down from heaven, he came to distract and succeeded in deceiving man from Gods perfect will and man fall into sin, which is now the out of man leaving in the permissible will of God. Hence, since then God has been working to bring man back to his Perfect Will, to his original plan. It on this note, we also observe that even up to this day. The will of God has not been perfectly comprehended by many believers, even bible scholars and preachers. We see people calling and saying someone killing in Gods name, and account it as the will of God. People suffering, people being persecuted and going through all sort of hardship, the rise of sin and of corrupted leaders all being accounted for as the Will of God. Hence it is in this interest that, we go back to the word of God and understand what is really the Will of God. To be able to gain a better understanding, we distinguish between the permissible will of God, that is when man fall out side the will of God, and persists in doing that which is not the plan of God. Just like Sarah decided to give Hagar to Abram such that she could conceive a child with him. And the Perfect will of God when one submits to Gods word and commandments. We also see that this is linked to the Free Will of man, which God has placed in man. Come and join us brother and sisters as we search the scriptures with the guidance of the Holy Spirit in understand what is Gods Perfect Will for ourselves. Shalom, Br. Joshua Mukanya


Continuation of our topic regarding Water Baptism We go further in giving scriptural enlightenment concerning Water Baptism, where upon we look onto church history. Hence we find out that, the Trinitarian formulation of Baptism in the name of the father, son and holy ghost came as a forgery in the third and fourth century. Upon until this time, we find scriptural identification; that the Apostles, whether in Jerusalem, Samaria or in Ephesus by Peter, Philip all conducting baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. However, the false baptism found its way during the translation of the bible into the Greek language and later into many of the worlds languages today. Historical critical bible research has proven that, the original version of the great commission in Matthews 28 vs 19 is stated as follows: “Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptising them into the name (onto onomati mou), Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you…” This is how it is recorded in the footnote of the “Novum Testamentum of the 28 edition of the Grace Et Germanice published by Nestle-Aland (1973). Furthermore, it was found that baptism of children is unbiblical. Hence, for one to be able to be baptised, one must hear the preaching, the word of God. Be convinced of ones sins, and therefore take the decision to repent and then be baptised for the remission of ones sins. Thus, in what case is a baby who unware of its sins, unable even to speak, be able to confession it sins? Of course many scholars have tried to back this practice by bringing up scriptures saying, but the Lord Jesus said “let the little children come unto me”. For sure the Lord did say that and it was certainly not in connection with baptism. Bring baptism in this context is taking the scriptures out of context. Third states, we will conclude that: The sprinkling of water on ones forehead is unscriptural. In the year 337, when the Emperor Constantine was on his death bed in the palace at Ankyron, Bishop Eusebius sprinkled water on his forehead three times while reciting the Trinitarian formula. Well, the question one must pose is, is this baptism? Not forgetting that Constantine all his life believed and worshipped a sun god Sol. Therefore, we found that the right baptism of immersion by water was demonstrated even by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ when he was baptised by John the baptist in the Jordan river, therefore setting the standard. The baptism where one does not enter into water and is not been immersed and does not came out of water, is certainly not the kind of baptism which was administered with Christ and the apostles. Hence is the unscriptural way of baptism. Shalom, Br. Joshua Mukanya


Last week we continued with our theme The Baptism of Water We talked about and gave scriptural references, concerning the many different names God was identified by in the Old Testament and briefly mentioned, why it was necessary for God to identify him by a name. We saw how our fathers wanted to know. Moses argued with God, regarding which name was he going to present himself by which; he was sent to the people. Even Jacob after wrestling with God all night long wanted to know the name of God. We read in the book of the Prophet Isaiah, God promising to send the Messiah, the Messiah was also given many names. A Child was born, a son was given and the government was upon his shoulders. Furthermore, we read that he had names by which he functioned by under his government. Today we proceed in more details, as we take scriptural comparisons between the Old and New Testament. As we attain a deeper understanding, as to why was it necessary with the birth of the Messiah and how this is connected to the salvation of the entire Human race. This is found in the Book of Genesis 3 vs 15, right after the fall of man, in the Garden of Eden. God made a promise predicting the redemption of man from sin. Namely through the seed of a women, that the seed of the women shall bruise the serpents head. Thus, from here we continue to look at scriptures promising the birth of a Lord and saviour; Jesus Christ. This is with the aim of shading more light on the fact that, The Jehovah, the Yahweh of the Old Testament is the Yahshwa of the New Testament. With God above us as the Father, God with us as the Son and God in us by the Holy Spirit. Hence, God manifested himself in various ways to fulfil his own plan of Salvation with us. Come many to worship and be blessed with the Fresh and Spiritual manna of the hour. Be blessed, Br. Joshua Mukanya


Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ fellow Brothers and Sister in Christ Today we continue to speak about Water Baptism, in this regard. We go a step further as we address this delicate topic, and its importance in clarifying the Godhead; which is amongst many reasons which has led to deviation and false baptism. We take scriptural references across the bible, in identifying the way God has reviewed himself; all the way through the Old and New Testament. Hence, see when and where the discrepancy has derived from. We read in the second book of Moses, Exodus. That when God gave commandments to his people Israel, he strictly said. They shall worship only one God, who is the Only True God. Nonetheless, its important to stress that, God can have many attributes. Just like a father can be a Son, a Brother, an Uncle etc. This we find already in the Genesis 1, were the English word God has its derivation, namely from the Hebrew word Elohim. This is the first time God introduce himself, as God Almighty, an Object of worship. In Genesis 2 vs 4, we find a combination of the name of God, the combination of Lord God, translating as Elohim-Yahweh. With this in mind, every time the names appear. God is expressing the kind and significance of a particular revelation of himself. As a matter of fact, we then understand the manifold attributes of God himself. As the bible teach, Behold, heaven and the heavens of heavens cannot contain thee. God is expressing his greatness, and how he cannot be limited to one thing 2 Chronicle 6 vs 18. On that note, we understand that the word Elohim includes both singular and plural. Elohim is God for singular and for plural he has many attributes such as, Creator, Sustainer, Judge, King etc. For that matter, that is why we call him, El Shaddai= God Almighty, El Olam = Everlasting God and many more Come join us today as we go further with the Guidance of the Holy Spirit, in understanding God and the correct name under which baptism should be conducted, namely in the reviewed New Testament name Yahshua, meaning Yahweh-Saviour. Shalom Br. Joshua Mukanya


The Baptism of Water Today we start looking at the topic which gives us a complete scriptural information about the Biblical baptism. Baptism is administered in all of Christianity, and is therefore amongst the conditions which “MUST” be fulfilled before being filled with the Holy Ghost. Thus been sealed for rapture - In essence there is also a great deviation which has taken place in many denominations, which is even unscriptural and has no biblical foundation Our aim with this theme, is giving clear scriptural clarification regarding the true and biblical baptism and why this is very essential for every bible believer - Many of the bible scholars and teachers have misplaced the Godhead and have therefore formulated Baptism on the trinity which is a grave deviation We therefore welcome you the our service on the normal scheduled time in Grønland 12B at 14:30 Best regards, your brother in Faith Joshua Mukanya


Brothers and Sisters, greeting in the name of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We welcome you to our service today at 14:30 in Grønland 12 B. Were we continue with the teaching and the theme we have been talking about. a Short summery is found below. The Day of Salvation - The Scriptures teach us that, the Almighty God sent his servant John the Baptist in the Spirit of Elijah who prepared his way. The servant of God who pointed people to Christ - He performed his ministry in the Spirit and Power of Elijah; to turn the hearts of those who were in the faith of the Old Testament fathers to the New beginning of the children of the New Covenant ( Malachi 3 vs 1) - A covenant not of rituals, unbelief and sacrifices, but a covenant in the Power and Might of the Blood of God - John bridged the Old to the New Testament, preparing the way of the Lord and making straight the path of our God In essence the day of Salvation, precedes the Day of the Lord. John the Baptist was the man of God sent preparing the people of God and pointing the people, in connection to the first coming of the Lord. Namely, before the Day of Salvation. The Day of The Lord The day of the Lord, is the seven day according to Gods way of counting. The bible teaches us according to (2 Peter 3 vs 8). For a Thousand years to man is as One day for the Lord. - The Day of the Lord is the space of time consisting One thousand years, and this is the time span that will ushered at the battle of Armageddon (Revelations 16 vs 12 - 16) - Thus, before this great and terrifying day. God was to send a prophet who was to come before the Day of The Lord - This prophet had to have his ministry before the coming of the Lord - Given Gods way of counting, we are in the sixth day, as it took two thousand years from Adam To Abraham, and from Abraham to the Birth of Jesus another two thousand - Now the Last two thousand years has been since the birth of Jesus Christ, and this was confirmed by the first sermon preached by the Apostle Peter (Act 2 vs 17) - Referring to the Joel, regarding the last day and the pouring of the “latter rain” In connection with this, as God has to send his Servant John the baptist to prepare his people preceding the first coming of the Lord - The Lord God in the same way, has to send his servant with the Spirit and the Power of Elijah to prepare his before the Day of the Lord - This is also confirmed with the scriptures (Malachi 4 vs 5 -6) Breaking all this down together, God sent the man of God William M. Branham as a faithful servant, to prepare his people ready before the great and dreadful day of the Lord. - As God is a merciful God, who warms his people before judgment. He did it in the Time of Noah, Time of Sodom and Gomorrah, The time of Jonah in Nineveh, and he has done the same in our time, The age of Laodicea. Your brother in Faith: Joshua Mukanya


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